Friday, November 05, 2010

Friday night at the Lewis houshold

Tonight we sat in our "tree room". I affectionately named it that because you can see all of the beautiful trees outside because of the windows that surround the room. I love them.

Tonight I love that the television hasn't been on and that Zachary played with my hair and that he pinky swore that he would play with it more tomorrow if I will scratch his back.

I am listening to Pandora. Oh how I have missed my music.

I love that I can read my scriptures on my new droid. I don't love, however, that today I dropped some frozen sausage on my foot and I now it's swollen and I have a bruise. That is what I get for buying hot sausage for Aaron because I know that he loves it. One last thing... I listened to some Christmas music and Aaron gave me the crook eye. I think I will tell him that he owes me and I can listen to my Christmas music early because I bought him his sausage that attacked me.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

What is with Zumba?

Does anyone understand what this Zumba craze is all about?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Colorful Journey

As I walked to the bus stop the other day, I couldn't help but notice my surroundings. The trees here in New England used to make me feel confined. Now they give me peace and I feel blessed to be where I am. It's taken me quite a while to discover that again in my life. It seems like life takes you on one big long journey, but there are lots of little journeys along the way. And at the beginning of each new journey, it feels difficult, exciting, overwhelming and sometimes unbearable. And at the end of each little journey I feel there is a moment that I can breath deep and take it all in and see that God loves me and is blessing me with every little detail. In that moment, I feel secure. In that moment I feel confident. In the next moment, however, is when life throws me another curve ball and I am left speechless because I don't know if I can do it and then I am back where I started where it's difficult, exciting, overwhelming and sometimes unbearable. I think this is our test and this is what we face in mortality. The secret to success I have discovered and will continue to discover I am sure, is FAITH. It seems so simple and yet so complicated, but I love it because I can see all the things that my Heavenly Father wants me to learn and become.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Thanks Elizabeth for making my day and week sparkle!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Last days with Damian

A lot has happened the last several months. We went from the beginning of the school year to the end in no time. My days have been so full and I have had little time to blog. Tonight I realized that my days alone with my little sweet Damian are numbered. He will be going to school this fall and I think I will be beside myself. We have been two peas in a pod and it hurts to think of how much I will miss him. He is undoubtedly my baby. I thought I would dedicate this post to him and I.

This is Damian the builder.

Damian the student

Playful Damian

Damian in disguise

After bath time cuddled up in his soft towel

Sporty Damian

Entertainer Damian

Focused Damian

Damian in trouble

Winter wonderland Damian

We like to be silly together and sing songs like "I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee" and "My name is Stegosaurus"

Sleepy Damian (Ooooh. So precious). Even though he is 5 now, he likes me to sing Rock a bye baby

Cuddly Damian

I miss him already.