Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Mere!!!

This is my friend Mere when we tried to transform her into a redhead. Redhead or not, isn't she beautiful? Mere is the mother of the little baby below. Remember John Thomas? Adorable!! Well, now you can see where he gets his good looks. Mere and I have a history. We are kindred spirits and I do believe that we will be friends forever. Ya know when you haven't seen an old friend for a while and it's a bit awkward because you don't know what to say? Mere and I will never be at a loss for words...believe me. We always are able to pick up where we left off. She has a way of always making me laugh. I am grateful for her today on her big day and would like to say Happy Birthday to one of my dearest friends!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Welcome John Thomas

Yesterday morning I received a phone call from my friend Mere. Mere and I go way back. Thank goodness for Spencer Burnside because I think that he is the reason we are so tight. Since our crush on Spencer, we have come a long way. Needless to say Mere has come a longer way than I have. She married this crazy boy from Seattle and she just had her first baby!! Isn't he adorable. I have a feeling that this isn't the last picture you'll see of Mr. John Thomas Felshaw. Also this isn't the last you will hear about my friend Mere. She will be having a birthday soon. Too bad John Thomas couldn't wait a little longer to be born to share a birthday with his amazing mother! Although, I don't know if Mere could've waited that long.