Monday, March 10, 2008

It's her big day everyone!!!

I know that I haven't blogged for awhile, but this one was important. She is the one I've been with for the past 8 yrs. I know her and she knows me. She is a fantastically talented, smart, beautiful, sparkly times a million person. I have always wanted to be all the things she is that I lack. She makes me laugh and I adore and love her. She will never know how much I respect her opinion and I get excited to be with her. She is my Mickey--my friend and sister. Love you Mickey! Happy Birthday!!


Mere and Matt said...

Happy B-Day, Michelle! I'd like to add to Kim's praise. You have the bedroom that I've always wished I could have, and I'm pretty sure you put it all together yourself. Have a great, great b-day.