Monday, May 14, 2007


I had to steal this picture because it is one of my favorites of Mom.

So, I was talking to my Mom yesterday, as I do on most days, except this time it happened to be mother's day. That didn't change the fact that she listened to me and comforted me when I needed the most. I thought it fitting, however, that she was taking care of me on her day, the one day of the year that is set aside for her, she was doing the very thing that we recognize her for. She was strengthening me, offering words of encouragement, and making me laugh. What a dear friend she is to me . She takes no thought of herself and I hope and pray that I will be half the mother she is one day.

P.S. It's okay that you didn't like that lesson, Mom. Not one of my favorites either ; )


Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU. You cute little thing.
Hang in there. Some day I will tell you a story about this picture and it is about forgiveness and about one of my favorite people - Dave Fife. I haven't seen him for many years, but what a guy. It pays to get to know people that you don't like because you may find that you love them like a brother.